Preschool Developmental Screening

Are You Concerned About Your Preschooler’s Development?

MPS provides free Developmental Screening as part of Child Find (see below). Screenings are available to children who reside in MPS boundaries between the ages of 2 years 9 months to 5 years old (who are not yet attending kindergarten). 

Developmental screening may include hearing and vision screening, speech, motor, cognitive, self-help and social-emotional screening, and/or a review of records. Screenings are conducted by appointment only at the Child Find office. Based upon results of screening and/or review of records your child may be scheduled for a comprehensive developmental evaluation. If your child is younger than 2 years, 9 months, contact the Arizona Early Intervention Program (AZEIP). If your child will turn five years old by August 31 of the current school year, contact your neighborhood school for Child Find assistance.

If your child already has an IEP or IFSP, please complete the same enrollment process for the developmental screening. We review records and complete the transfer process for all incoming preschool students. If your child receives early intervention (AZEIP) services, see additional directions below.


Mesa Unified School District is required by federal and state law (34 CFR 300.220.34 CFR 300.121) to conduct a “Child Find” effort as a means to locate, identify, and evaluate all resident children with disabilities, including children with disabilities attending private schools, regardless of the severity of their disabilities. The purpose of Child Find is to locate these children so that a free appropriate public education can be made available. Upon request, Mesa Public Schools will screen any resident child as young as 2 years 9 months of age to determine whether a special education referral is appropriate.

After students are evaluated, eligible students are entitled to a free and appropriate education, including specially designed individualized instruction for disabled students between the ages of 3 and 21. This law applies to EVERY eligible child, regardless of the severity of the disability and assures confidentiality procedures are followed. If you suspect that your child has a disability (emotional, mental or physical) and does not receive Special Education services, contact the school psychologist at your neighborhood school or the Child Find Office at 480-472-0706.

Child Find Office

We are located on the Second floor of the MPS Student Services Center at

1025 N. Country Club Drive #203
Mesa, AZ 85201

Email address:

Taylor Wood

Dep. Secretary
Nancy Ramos