Family Resources

Resources for student social and emotional wellness

5 family members standing with arms around each other, 2 boys holding balloons

Students today may be faced with issues that can affect their social and emotional wellness. Mesa Public Schools is dedicated to providing comprehensive support for students and their families, so that they may be successful academically, socially and emotionally. The topics listed below may be issues your child is facing and we hope the resources listed below assist you in navigating those issues.


If you or someone you know is struggling with any of the issues listed below, use the resources and links provided to become informed on how to help yourself and your peers. If you need help with an issue not listed, do not hesitate to reach out to a district staff member for further assistance. We will ensure you will be provided with the appropriate information and resources to help you with your problem.


If you are concerned about the social or emotional wellness of your child, please refer to the information on this site to start a conversation within your family. Below you will find information and resources intended to guide you and your child to assistance and solutions. If you seek help on a subject not listed below, do not hesitate to reach out to the appropriate contact at your child's school, such as a counselor or principal.