One strategic initiative for the 2016-2017 school year, as identified by the Mesa Public Schools Governing Board and district administration, was to define the purpose of grading and to establish grading processes that reflect best practices as defined by educational research.

A committee of principals, teachers, and district administrators researched and identified grading best practices.  The committee’s goal was to clarify Mesa Public Schools expectations for grading and for grade reporting. It was determined that when student progress is reported, the grades should represent a student’s level of proficiency on  skill-based academic standards. MPS educators' understanding of grading best practices continues to evolve as we move toward deeper and personalized learning. This document was updated in 2023 to affirm the commitment to these essential elements and grading practices.

Grading Practices

Standards-Based Grading

Standards-based grading (SBG) is an approach to assessment and grading that focuses on measuring a student's proficiency and understanding of specific learning standards or objectives.

Some teachers and schools are using standards-based grading as a way to implement the recommended MPS grading practices