The Mesa Public Schools community is asked to vote on a Bond and a 15% Override Continuation in the 2023 election. These are both continuations and tax rates are projected to remain flat.
Election Information and dates:
Mail Back Your Ballot by October 31
Drop Off Your Ballot by November 7
For drop-off and in person voting locations, visit
What is the difference between the bond and override?
Bond dollars go to buildings, buses, and capital projects. Mesa Public Schools prioritizes modernizing school buildings and facilities, upgrading school security and safety infrastructure, and adding technology integration to enhance student learning experiences.
Examples of projects funded by the 2018 bond:
Upgraded air conditioning systems
Secured school lobbies at 17 schools
Performing Arts Center and other renovated facilities at Mountain View High School
Upgraded facilities at Mesa High School
Student devices for one-to-one learning environments
The override supports people.
13.9% of all staff salaries are supported by the override
Hires school security staff
Promotes workforce development by staffing CTE classes
For more information about the 2023 Bond & Override Continuation election, visit