Group photo of 11 high school students in professional wear

Congratulations to 11 of our Biomedical Sciences students that qualified to attend the HOSA State Leadership Conference in Tucson: Sasha Dowlin, Eva Schmelter, Marcus Cumbria, Sophia Birkholz, Piper Timmons, Madison Killion, Anna Kovaleski, Ella McTaggart, Ella Walders, Mikaela Lemke, and Hamad Omar.

Four students placed in the top 3 in the state and now qualify for ILC (International Leadership Conference) in Houston this summer.  

  • Eva Schmelter and Sasha Dowlin placed 1st in the Forensics team competition,  

  • Sophia Birkholz placed first in  Research Poster competition, and 

  • Marcus Cumbria placed third in epidemiology.

Congratulations, and good luck in Houston!