Mesa Public Schools is implementing a new protocol requiring all students to wear their school identification badge visibly at all times while on school grounds. This expectation is designed to enhance safe and caring learning environments through the visible identification of students.

Protocol Details:

  • All students must wear their school ID visibly on a lanyard around their neck or securely clipped to a pocket. Breakaway lanyards will be provided.

  • Replacement IDs will be available for purchase if lost or damaged and should be issued within 24 hours.

  • Lost or forgotten IDs will not result in exclusion from class or bus services.

  • High School IDs will feature student photos. Elementary IDs will not.


What is the expectation for student badge use?

Students must wear their ID badge daily, at all times while on school grounds.

What happens if a student comes to school without a badge?

Lost or forgotten IDs will not result in exclusion from class or bus services.

There will be a $3 fee the third time and for every replacement badge after that for the remainder of the school year.

Will the charge be consistent across all schools, and what should the charge be? 

Yes, K-12 will charge $3.00 per badge. This is a standard fee set across all schools.

What if my child needs accommodations?

Students with disabilities or religious beliefs that prevent them from wearing an ID around their neck will receive alternative options, such as a badge holder clipped to a pocket. These accommodations will be provided on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the student, parents/guardians, and school administration.

Do children need to wear their IDs on the playground?

Students will need to wear their IDs at all times, including recess. Students will be provided with breakaway lanyards for safety purposes.

Are preschoolers required to wear IDs?

No, preschoolers will not be required to wear IDs at this time.

Will students need to wear their badges in the cafeteria? 

Yes, School cafeterias will be using a scanner this year in the cafeteria.  Students who go through the breakfast or lunch lines must show their badges and have them scanned as they go through the lines. 

Do the new badges have a tracking chip?

While students are being transported, the IDs are used to improve security and safety on the buses by providing immediate information regarding which students are on which bus. Our student ID cards are safe and secure. We use IDs with a passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip containing only a unique identification (UID) number. Our card reader on buses reads the UID and our system uses it to reference student information. This can alert drivers when a student is attempting to get on a wrong bus or if they attempt to get off at a wrong stop. The card does not contain students' personal information and we cannot track students, we can only monitor or track the location and transactions of the card reader that is on the bus.

Is my child required to wear the school-provided lanyard or can they use a separate one?

You can provide a lanyard for your child but it needs to be a breakaway lanyard for safety reasons.